Favorite Links
Enumclaw High School Athletics:
For all the latest information on the Hornet’s this is the place.
Move forward:
This is a site developed for patients by the American Physical Therapy Association.
Pediatric Sports Injuries:
Covers the benefits of youth sports, youth sports injury statistics, general sports injury prevention methods and sport specific injury rates and prevention.
Maryville University Coach’s Guide to First Aide and Sports Injury Prevention
To help coaches and athletic directors understand the risks of injury for teens and youth participating in contact sports and provide them with the necessary resources to help mitigate those risks and provide first aid for these young athletes. There are basic first aid guidelines, sports injury prevention strategies, injury prevention equipment, and educational resources for coaches.
Enumclaw Regional Healthcare Foundation:
This is the Enumclaw Regional Healthcare Foundation website. The Enumclaw Healthcare Foundation oversees five task forces in the community: Neighbors Feeding Neighbors, which addresses hunger; Foothills Healthy Community Coalition, which looks at drug and alcohol issues to find solutions that keep residents safe; LINCCK, which focuses on domestic violence and building a kinder, more caring community; Mental Health, which is examining those issues and their impact on Plateau society; and AskFLIN.com, a comprehensive online healthcare resource.
Enumclaw School District:
This is the Enumclaw School District website which has information on school district activities.